I will be posting a new drawing soon but I was excited to tell everyone that I set up "Tiphoni's Corner" on Teeshamoore.com. So far I have only one of my 3 line's up but as soon as I find a few spare moments in between the Journalfest site and getting ready for Artfest I will get my other two lines up. Also be watching for my prints, zines and even possibly some one of a kind items for sale. I will also be creating a brand new line of stamps for Artfest. Hope you guys enjoy and I would love any feedback on what you might like to see from me in the future! Here's a direct link:http://www.teeshaslandofodd.com/php/sunshop/index.php?l=product_list&c=34
p.s. If you place an order and are a reader of my blog let me know in the order comments section and I will throw in a secret surprise as a little thank you for supporting my blog!